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First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Alt Email
Name of dog you are applying to adopt? Choose an animal: Corbin Dolly Ella Roxanne Sassy
When is the best time to call you?*
Date of birth?*
Drivers License #*
Place of employment and work phone*
What are the occupations of other adults in the household? Retired? Stay at home parent?*
How did you hear about us?*
Do you own or rent your home? * Choose one: Own Rent Live with family
What type of home do you live in? * Choose one: single family town home apartment mobile home farm
If you rent, please give the rules governing pets and the landlord’s name and number: (by providing this information you are allowing us to contact your landlord. Please inform them of this call so they will speak with us)
Have you adopted from us before?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, do you still have the pet? Choose one: Yes No
List all adults living in the home, and their relationship to you.*
List all children in the home, and their ages. (If none, write none)*
List 3 references (name and phone #)*
Will this be an inside or outside pet?*
Do you have a fenced yard?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, what kind and how tall?
Where will the pet be kept during the day?*
How long will the pet be left alone during the day?*
What is the age preferred for a dog you want to adopt?*
What's the oldest you would consider adopting?*
What is the sex of the dog you prefer?* Choose one: Male Female No preference
Would you be interested in any other dog?* Choose one: Yes No
What will you do if your dog is destructive while alone?*
List unacceptable behavior issues*
How will you discipline your new dog?*
Will you attend obedience classes with your new dog?* Choose one: Yes No
What would justify getting rid of a pet?*
List all pets currently in your household and the ones you have had in the past 5 years (Name, Breed, Spayed/Neutered?, Age , What happened if you no longer have them?)*
List your current and past vets (name and ph. #)*
NOTE: All pets in the home MUST be spayed/neutered, up to date on vaccines and heartworm prevention. If heartworm prevention was not purchased through your vet, you MUST provide proof.